A Friend of Mine (Vic), Death Mattel (NSW), No Anchor, Del Toro @ Step Inn
Friday 10th:
I Heart Hiroshima @ Ric's Bar - IHH's first show of their Ric's residency. Technically this will be Saturday morning, ie: midnight Friday night (no drinking on Good Friday, y'see).
Saturday 11th:
Re:Enactment, Stemford Hiss @ Ric's Bar
Twist Oliver Twist, Felinedown, Dream Sequence @ The Globe
Sunday 12th:
Fans Fans Fans: *deep breath* Flamingo Crash, Witch Hats (Vic), Talons (NSW), Slow Down Honey (NSW), The Jezabels (NSW), Villains of Wilhelm, Rocketsmiths, Little Scout, DZ, Last Dinosaurs, Idle Cranes, The Cairos, My Fiction, The Grove @ Alhambra Lounge - starts 5pm, finishes 5am, $25 on the door.
Dave McCormack, Gentle Ben & His Sensitive Side @ Ric's Bar